Friday, September 4, 2009

Coming Clean

I told C about my blog last night. I had had a good day that turned sour after I got home and I tried to resolve an insurance issue over the phone. I told C that I didn’t feel like cooking, and we should go to a restaurant. My attitude didn’t improve much at the restaurant, and I just picked at my food.

C said, “Don’t worry, this thing will get resolved. And, I will make you feel better. I’ll spank you.”

Oh! My favorite subject. I don’t know what made me do it but I just said, “You know, C, I have a spanking blog.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re kidding!”

“No, I’ve had it for a couple of months. I’ll show it to you when we get home.”

“Not tonight,” said C.

When we got home I offered again to show C my blog, but she declined. However, she didn’t seem too distressed at the knowledge I had started a blog dealing with my thoughts on spanking. It is actually fine with me if she never reads it. Reading it might stress her out. I feel much better that she knows about the Blog; I don’t like keeping secrets from C.

I just love C. Her one statement at the restaurant was like a flash of sunshine illuminating the fact that she understands me, and acknowledges the dependence I have on her.

I haven’t gotten the spanking she promised me, yet. I suppose it would fall into the category of a stress relief spanking. I’ve never experienced one of those.

Artist: unknown (Jay Em?), from T.A.K.S.A Yahoo Group


Anonymous said...

I understand not wanting to have secrets in a relationship. Well done. I love stress relief spankings and I am willing to bet you will too.

Throck said...

I hope I love stress relief spankings, Burl. I have a lot of stress to be relieved right now. Thanks for your comment.

Widgets said...

Hi throck:
Sorry we have not kept up with your blog as we moved to a new location. Shortly we will be set-up again.

We are glad to know that you told C about this blog. The world did not come to an end as you thought. You do not realize how we lady's like to know about your inner feelings. This makes for a terrific relationship for both.

I give aj stress relief spankings when I feel he is too tense. After a long discussion I found out he feels relief and pleasure because the tension is gone. Sometimes I will start these with an enema relieving him of his internal stress, then a hot bath followed by a spanking on his wet butt. After that it is his turn to pleasure me and relieve my "spanking stress." You will enjoy the results and C will love you more for them.

Spanking Photo Blog said...

Hi, i have a spanking blog. I wonder if you like exchange links betwen our blogs.

Let me know



Throck said...

Hi Rachel and aj,
I was so excited about telling C I tried to get to you because I said you would be the first to know. I'm pretty new at this blogging stuff. I found your blog but could not figure out how to leave a comment or email you. Anyway, Rachel, you were 100% right and I'm glad I finally told C about it. But, I'm still waiting for my spanking (and I love enemas, but C is not into them).

Thanks for getting in touch.

Throck said...

Hi Enzo,
Thanks for your offer, but I am trying to keep my links to a minimum until I get the hang of blogging. Perhaps at a later time.


Spankedbyher said...

Hi Trock I really enjoyed reading your blog. I feel that it is open and honest and comes straight from the heart. My own situation is very like yours. Wy wife spanks me but not as often or as firmly as I would like. I wear panties 24/7 and have really encouraged her to take control but she is still reluctant. sooner or later we will get exactly what we want. When you speak from the heart she hears you but needs to see for herself how coltrolling and spanking you will really happy. To her it does not make sense until she sees for herself a goog spanking really does mak you a happier man and more fun to live with. Well done I wish you more success soon. Spankedbyher

Throck said...

Hi Spankedbyher,

Thanks for your comments. It is good to know that other people are in evolving relationships. My hope for both you and me is that they evolve more quickly to where we need to be.


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