Friday, October 22, 2010


A number of posts ago, I discussed creating a punishment book in which I would write down all my transgressions so that C could take appropriate measures. The comments were generally negative, but Recidavist agreed with me, and had some good arguments.

The problem is that during my recent illness there was a hiatus in spanking, and I think C is having a bit of a hard time getting back into it. Also, two of the children have moved back home and that puts a damper on virtually everything.

I decided maintenance discipline might be the solution, and so I asked C to do maintenance discipline on the last Friday of each month. All she said was “Well, not if the children are home.”

“That’s fine,” I said. “I will write in the ‘Naughty Book’ all the things I need to be disciplined for.” C rolled her eyes.

One of the reasons I like the idea of a punishment book is that C misses a lot of opportunities to spank me. I thought if I wrote down the things that I screw up on she might see more reason to give me some discipline, and eventually do it spontaneously. I also noticed, in visiting one of Bonnie’s Sunday Brunches, that many people actually schedule their spankings. So, shouldn’t we?

We will see how it works out. I already have three entries in the Punishment Book. I hope the children have plans for next Friday.


Anonymous said...

We started to use a punishment book a few months back. Be careful, it quickly fills up with faults to be corrected - well ours does! We don't have children but so often work or family issues mean punishments can't be administered there and then. Plus if you keep the book up to date, at least then it's perfectly clear why punishment is required

Throck said...

Thanks for your comment and welcome to blog-space. I'm glad to hear that other couples use the punishment book technique. I already have five entries, even though I've only been doing it for about ten days (can't believe I'm that bad). This Friday is the last Friday of the month, and is maintenance discipline night. We sill see how it goes. We may have adult children around.
In any case, we have only been doing this about a year and intermittently at that. I hope C (who is very vanilla) will evolve over the years as your wife has (I think).


Danielle said...

I think it's a very good idea to use a punishment book. It even helps J to avoid making the same mistakes again only because he had to write them down. Besides, I'm ill at the moment and sometimes don't have the energy to punish him. As it's written done in the book it isn't forgotten.
Two Fridays passed by since you wrote this post, so I assume you have had your spanking.

Throck said...

Hi Danielle,
Unfortunately, the last Friday in October, and all of this past weekend were "intruded" upon by our adult children, now living at home with us. The rule is that at the first private opportunity the punishment book will be read and I will receive my just deserts. I also screwed up this weekend and had to make another entry in the book. Since we are new at this, I don't yet know how it will effect my spanking. I don't know whether C will assign a number of strokes to each entry, or just come up with what she considers an appropriate lump sum for the offenses I committed. What do you do?

Thanks for your comment. I will post as to how things go.


Danielle said...

I'll tell you what I did.. I use the book to lecture him because I think it's the most important part of a DD relationship and I do forget what he has done wrong if it's not written down. Then I punish him with a certain amount of tools, usually different tools for different mistakes. However, one has to be reasonable... it's a punishment not an execution.

Throck said...

Well Danielle,
I hope it is not an execution. That would put a big dent in your spanking life. However, it sounds as though you make your point.
The children are away this weekend and C has informed me that maintenance will happen this evening. I will try to get her to read some of these comments and report on what happens.
